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The 9th International Conference on
NewsOur Conference is finished! We are very grateful to all our participants who came to visit us in person, as well as those who took part online. Your support and cooperation inspire us during this challenging time. We hope to see you all at the next DFDE! The photoalbum of the Conference will be created and published on the website later. 2022-07-05Photos, July 3 and 4Here are photos of July 3 and July 4. 2022-07-04Photos, July 22022-07-04Photos, July 1Photos, July 1: Lectures, sections, and the Banquet. 2022-07-04Program for July 4Updated Program for July 4: program-07-04.pdf. 2022-07-03Photos, June 30Photos, June 30: Lectures and sections. 2022-07-03Program for July 3Latest Program for July 3: program-07-03.pdf. 2022-07-02Program for July 2Actual Program for July 2: program-07-02.pdf. 2022-07-01Photos, June 29Photos, June 29: Opening of the conference, lectures, Reception party. 2022-07-01Program for July 1The revised Program for July 1: program-07-01.pdf. 2022-06-30Program for June 30The refined Program for June 30 is as follows: program-06-30.pdf. 2022-06-29Program for June 29The new version of the Program for June 29 with latest changes is here: program-06-29.pdf. 2022-06-27MapHere is a map of the neighbourhood of DFDE-2022. 2022-06-27Договор / AgreementДоговор (публичная оферта) на участие в Девятой международной конференции по дифференциальным и функционально-дифференциальным уравнениям «DFDE-2022». Agreement (public offer) to participate in 9th International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations "DFDE-2022". 2022-06-27RegistrationWe kindly ask all participants to register on Tuesday, June 28, 11:00–18:00 whenever it is possible. The registration office will operate in Room 541, 5th floor, Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Sciences, RUDN University, 10/2 Miklukho-Maklaya str. Please treat June 29, 9:00–11:00 as a reserve day for the registration because just two hours before the Opening ceremony cannot be enough to register everybody. 2022-06-20Abstracts and ProgramAbstracts and Program of the conference are published. All participants will receive the hard copies after registration. 2022-06-06Third AnnouncementThe Third Announcement of the conference is released. 2022-04-04RegistrationDear participants, please, fill in the Registration Form at http://dfde2022.mi-ras.ru/reg.php if you have not yet done this yet. We have prolonged the registration period until April 15, 2022. 2022-03-10Registration form & AbstractsDear participants of DFDE 2022, we remind you that we expect your registration forms until March 15th. Please do not forget to indicate the desired dates for hotel reservations. We also ask you to send your abstracts by March 31st. We will be glad to see you at the conference! 2022-02-08Second AnnouncementThe Second Announcement of the conference is published. We expect all participants to fill in the Registration form and send us their abstracts and copies of documents required for official invitation (see the Second Announcement for detailed information). Also you can find all the deadlines marked on the time scale. The conference is planned to be organized in the offline format. However, according to the situation with the pandemic, the online participation might be also considered. Please, check current pandemic regulations and entry rules at our website. 2021-10-09First AnnouncementThe First Announcement of the 9th International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations has been published. You can find there the information about the organizers and preliminary list of 45-minute invited lecturers. The Poster of DFDE 2022 is available as well. 2021-05-05DFDE 2022 is a satellite of International Congress of Mathematicians 2022Our Conference is honored to be a satellite of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2022, 2021-05-05Conference is planned in 2022Dear participants, we are grateful for your support of the DFDE conferences. We have had a long journey since 1994. According to the current situation all over the world our Programm and Organizing Committees together with the RUDN University Administration have made a decision to postpone the 9th International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations until 2022. Planned dates are the following: June 28 – July 5, 2022. The arrival day is June 28, 2022 and the departure day is July 5, 2022. The opening ceremony will take place on June 29, 2022 and the closing ceremony will be on July 4, 2022. As soon as new information is available you will find it on our website. We are looking forward to seeing you in 2022! |
© 2022 9th International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations |